Project Ideas

Each year, members of TSA partake in a variety of competitive events. Highlighted here are examples of winning projects from past TSA conferences in various states and regions.


Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

"TSA is a great organization to foster the soft skills and leadership capabilities of technology education students. Our youth are capable of accomplishing great things and count on their TSA advisors to provide them with the challenge to excel. TSA students have common objectives and interests. Each is learning about his or her role in our technological society. TSA activities can have a tremendous effect upon the attitudes, growth, and development of each member."

Doug Miller TSA State Advisor
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Supervisor
Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

"Involvement with TSA helps high school students make informed choices about technological career options through dynamic, problem solving activities in the classroom, development of leadership skills and participation in competitive events. The TSA State Conference is the highlight of the school year for students enrolled in technology education courses in New Jersey. It provides them with the unique opportunity of competing with other students from around the state."

Allison M. Goetke TSA State Advisor
The College of New Jersey

"I've witnessed at regional, state, and national conferences, students interacting amongst themselves in a positive and mutually beneficial manner. To be able to compete and yet encourage and respect each other, is a lifetime skill that I believe they are gleaning from their TSA experience. The global awareness of belonging to a student organization that unites individuals from such vastly varied backgrounds and geographic locales can only serve to widen their horizons for the future."

Pixie Wescott TSA Parent
Manteo Middle School TSA, North Carolina

"I think TSA gave me and other students the chance to do something that made them feel proud. At the time, TSA was the club to join and everyone wanted to be a member, it had the largest enrollment for any club in the whole school. Once you got there, you were given the tools to do things that you may have never thought possible. Coach Price (Steve Price, TSA Advisor) had a way of finding out your talents and finding something for you to do as part of the team."

Lorey Biggers-Choe TSA Member
Pointe South Junior High 1987-1990

About TSA

The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national student organization devoted exclusively to the needs of students engaged in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Open to students enrolled in or who have completed technology education courses, TSA’s membership includes over 200,000 middle and high school students in approximately 2,000 schools spanning 49 states.


Stuyvesant TSA
President: Sharon Lin
Advisor: Dr. Richard Ku, Ms. Leslie Bernstein, Mr. Topher Brown-Mykolyk
NYSTSA President: Sharon Lin
NYSTSA Advisor: Evie Weinstein
Meetings: Tuesdays/Thursdays, Room 411


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